Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Was the ban on photos of coffins returning home from the wars a form of media censorship?
Many believe it was. Obama has reversed the ban on photos within the last week, granting permision for photographers to photograph coffins of the multiple dead as long as the families grant permission.

Read the article here.

What do YOU think?


Anonymous said...

Censorship is important. We can't have certain things in public places. Even our school exercises some censorship (no drug related T-shirts for example).

I think that our country believes at its core that humans are smart and good. They/we should be able to use our judgment, but we should be given the choice. Disclaimers and warnings like those on news sites are very important. Choice goes both ways. we should be able to chose to see the coffins for example, but we should also be able to choose to not see those things. Public places are public.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of good censorship articles on the website, Mother Jones.
the name comes from an American activist who took on the name mother Jones. she worked in the mid 1800's to fight for workers rights, especially those of miners. today the magazine discusses issues from varying perspectives.

heres one on internet censorship:
and the homepage:

Anonymous said...

the internet censorship page address got cut off, just search "censorship" on the homepage