Sunday, March 08, 2009

Censorship and Media Bias

YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Censorship and Media Bias

Go to
Read about the big media conglomerates.

Go to

How do these conglomerates affect YOU?

Check out
See the related story

Google the global warming protest at the capital on March 2. There are about 500 news reports.

Try to find a conservative, liberal, and "neutral" report. Make sure Fox news is one of them.

What do you think?
Is media bias and censorship acceptable? Unacceptable?
What can you do about it?
Other comments?


Anonymous said...

First post of JUA! here in the hotel lobby, isn't it amazing that we can access this information anywhere? shouldn't everyone be able to see any info they want/need whenever? this is what censorship takes away.

Anonymous said...

Have you looked where most of the news on mainstream websites come from? A major group is the Associated Press, it claims (and many believe it) to be a completely objective news reporting network. It is a non-profit organization that allows newspapers to use its articles. If you read an article, look at the bottom for any mention of AP or Associated Press. Often, they are known for their unbiased view, but one website says differently:

heres associated press:

and the article about AP's bias