Monday, February 23, 2009

Street Art Workers

These poster images by Street Art Workers, 2004: Whose Media?

from the 2003: Utopia / Dystopia street art project


Anonymous said...

These images are really similar to some other artists works. the question, "is it art?" is a very important one. not only is it art, but what does it mean? these works of street art arent just vandalism. some call it that but isnt vandalism senseless destruction? I would have to argue that these images have meaning.

Check out adbusters, its a canadian magazine that publishes "counter-culture" articles and art. try to get past the obvious flaws in the off-putting delivery...

Anonymous said...

Here are some images from a "street artist" and his "graffiti"

Anonymous said...

I'm completly tied down to my telephone, just as in the picture. Am i really as helpless and messed up as that little skeleton??
Celia D

Anonymous said...

I just checked out the link you posted! nice find totally relevant
jordan (sl)